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AaO photo



Hello friends,

Last summer I was inspired by my friend Elizabeth to take up film photography. I'm just starting out so I'm no expert, and I mostly practice on my family, but I've really fallen in love with this artform and thought it would be nice to share some of my photos.

I used to make art constantly, and I don't really do it at all anymore because at some point it became too stressful for me to start anything new (or finish things I had started) because I always put enormous pressure on myself to make something great.

What I really love about this new hobby is that I can just let myself enjoy the process without worrying about the result. I hope to do the same as I start sketching again, maybe I'll pick up calligraphy again too. 

Thanks for taking a look, and thank you to everyone who let me photograph them! If you want to get a notification when I upload a new batch (which won't happen too often) you can enter your email address below.

Warm regards,



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Instagram - @aaliasaurus

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